English Language
English Language
English proficiency plays a critical part in academic success and development. ATMC’s English language courses can help improve your English language skills. Our courses are designed for both personal development and preparation for direct entry into VET and universities.
Courses available in:
English Language Proficiency Development and Support:
At ATMC we provide all our students with an opportunity to attend English Language Support and Development classes for both General and Academic purposes. For full information click on the following link:
English for General Purposes:
Our General English course is specifically designed for students who want to improve their English language skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The key emphasis is on communication and the course aims to provide students with the required skills and confidence to communicate with native English speakers on regular topics in day to day conversation, or while studying, working or living in an English-speaking country.
English for Academic Purposes:
English for Academic Purposes prepares students for further study at University. The course will hone students existing English language skills while focusing on the development of academic English abilities. Students will master the key English language skills needed for academic success through discussions, presentations, and written project work.