Returning Home

Returning Home

When it comes time to return home after completing your studies, you may find it useful to attend a returning home seminar run by some institutions. Your time in Australia will change you, and you should expect that your friends and family will have changed in your absence as well. Finding a job or continuing education, living on your own or moving back in with your parents, and catching up with what has been happening in your family and friends’ lives are just some of the things you will have to adjust to. You may even find that you have to readjust to the weather and food.

Many institutions will run returning home seminars that will cover topics such as resettling, how to get your exam results, making travel arrangements, joining alumni associations, and preparing for your future career.

Alumni associations

International students who study with an Australian institution are Australian alumni. You will find alumni associations established by your university and there may be Australian alumni networks in your own country. Australian alumni networks can:

  • assist you in maintaining the personal, business, institutional and educational links and friendships you have made while studying in Australia;
  • help you with business and job opportunities back home and around the world; and
  • provide a matrix of understanding and support within a community of graduates who have shared your experience of leaving home to Study in Australia, and returned home as alumni.

You can find a list of alumni associations on the Study in Australia website.

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