Legal Name *
Trading Name
Is this business an Australian business? * YesNo
Street Number and Name *
Suburb / City *
State / Region *
Country *
Postcode *
Title Mr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.Prof.
Surname *
Given Name *
Phone No. *
Email *
How many years have you been in business as an educational agent? *
Do you use sub-agents or other people not employed directly by you to perform such recruitment activities? * YesNo
If yes, are you aware that you are fully responsible for the actions of any such sub-agent or individual to KCBT if an agent agreement is executed? * YesNo
Which services will you provide for students? (Select all that apply) Pre-enrolment counsellingStudent admissionsCollecting feesArranging travelProviding accommodationAssistance with visa applications
Are you required to regularly monitor the performance of your staff or sub-agents to ensure they are complying with the Australian Department of Education and Training? * YesNo
Have you read the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018? * YesNo
Are you aware that if a student changes to your institution from another provider, they must have a valid release letter if they haven't completed 6 months of their principal course? * YesNo
Do you understand that you must not make any guarantees about possible migration outcomes or a student’s successful completion of a course, and must not mislead them about their educational program? * YesNo
Do you confirm that you must comply with all requirements set by KCBT, including providing up-to-date marketing materials, application procedures, and accurate information to students? * YesNo
Are you prepared to only use marketing material supplied by KCBT to describe agent roles and courses? * YesNo
Is this the best suitable time of the year to conduct a marketing trip? You can also add office info for inquiries. *
Please use the space provided below to include any other information you consider to be relevant. *
Please indicate how you advertise the services you offer & what medium? (print, web, etc.) *
From which geographical area will your potential market come? Please justify your choice. *
Bank Name *
Account Name / IBAN *
Bank BSB / Branch Code *
Bank Account No / IBAN *
Bank Swift Code / IBAN / Sort Code
Does this bank accept Australian dollars? * YesNo
Bank Street Address
Bank Suburb / City
Please attach the following documents:
Business Registration Certificates
Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx. Max. file size: 10 MB.
Evidence of Accreditation for the Registered Training Organisation (if any)
Relevant Training Certificates (e.g. TAE)
Copy of Membership of Professional Associations (e.g. AAERI in India)
Business Prospectus
Agent Application Form for RTO (if applicable)
Please provide the names and contact details of at least 2 referees from the education industry.
Referee 1 - Contact Name *
Referee 1 - Job Title *
Company / Institution *
Telephone *
Referee 2 - Contact Name *
Referee 2 - Job Title *
Referee 3 - Contact Name
Referee 3 - Job Title
Company / Institution
As our authorised agents we are responsible for your actions in marketing the courses, and we reserve the right to withdraw our support if we believe you have not complied with your obligations. Please complete this form and ensure the information is truthful and accurately relevant to your location. Please contact KCBT if you have any issues or need help.